Did you know you could get funding for personal injury lawsuits?

injury lawsuits

Depending on the state you live in and the legal firm that you work with, you may be entitled to personal injury lawsuit funding. Although some firms only provide funding for accidents, others offer funds for many personal injury cases such as medical malpractice, falls and slips, and defective transportation devices. Knowing what you can get coverage for is essential, as it may determine whether you will proceed with your case. 

People often avoid pressing charges or going to court to resolve legal disputes because they lack the financial means to move forward with their cases. Thankfully, some companies will fund your injury lawsuits for personal injury cases, including firms. In many cases, the only qualification is having suffered financial and/or physical issues resulting from another person’s actions. 

When you file, be sure that your injury is considered the result of an at-fault party. Some of the lawsuits filed include injuries like burns, TBIs, broken bones, and tissue damage. There are additional injuries that may be covered as well. Speak with your injury lawyer to determine what coverage you are entitled to for your injury lawsuit. 

To learn more about funding for personal injury lawsuits, read on for additional information. 

Funding For Personal Injury Lawsuits 

You may also be granted pre-settlement legal funding for your personal injury lawsuits beyond the funding coverage for pursuing legal matters. It can take a long time for personal injury cases to conclude, and this way, your expenses are covered as you wait. There are often legal funding options that include non-recourse debt, which does not need a credit check to get funding for personal injury lawsuits. 

Conditions to Receive Funding 

There are a few conditions to meet beforehand. You must be older than 18 years of age, have a claim for physical injury against a party that is insured, and you must have hired a personal injury lawyer who works under contingency. More often than not, if you endured personal injury, your case will be covered by legal funding for personal injury lawsuits. 

If you plan to take legal action and move forward with a lawsuit claim, you must find the following to be the case:

  • You have endured a physical, mental, or emotional personal injury
  • Someone else has caused the injury directly or through negligence
  • You are entitled to substantial compensation for the injuries endured 

Be Aware Of Changes 

By reviewing your information, your lawyer will help you determine what amount of funding for personal injury lawsuits can be covered and the settlement value you are entitled to. These decisions may change as the case progresses, so be aware of the possibility of funding changes, as your case continues. 

Reach Out To Your Lawyer To Discover Funding Options 

The usual assumption is that working with a lawyer is expensive. However, there are certain situations, like personal injury cases, where funding may be provided for you. Reach out to your personal injury lawyer to determine if you can receive funding for personal injury lawsuits.


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